Derek Fee

Derek Fee is a crime thriller author and the creator of the popular detective series' The Belfast Murders and Galway Murders thriller series.

Latest Release

Murder in Rosmuc

In the tranquil landscapes of Connemara, a dark mystery unfolds beneath the waves. When Rory Clarke, manager of a local fish farm, is discovered drowned in the Atlantic, the initial verdict is accidental death. But DI Fiona Madden's pathologist friend harbors doubts, leading to an open verdict by the coroner and a call for investigation by the Garda Siochana.

As Fiona delves deeper, she uncovers a web of intrigue surrounding Rory's life—a notorious philanderer—and the fish farm itself, which holds secrets darker than its tranquil facade suggests. With her personal life in turmoil, Fiona, alongside her steadfast sergeant Sean Tracy, must navigate through a labyrinth of sex, drugs, and money-laundering to uncover the truth behind Rory Clarke's demise.

In this gripping tale set against the backdrop of political and personal upheaval, Fiona Madden races against time to solve a case where nothing is as it seems, and danger lurks beneath the surface of Connemara's serene beauty.


While all Derek Fee's novels are crime thrillers they cross multiple different styles and sub genres including political, police procedural, action and supernatural. Below are his works.


What readers are saying about Derek Fee's books

“I have been completely captivated by Derek Fee's Detective Wilson series! Masterfully written, engaging, convoluted plots and richly tapestried, fully-fleshed characters! Both good and bad guys populate this wonderfully executed series. I waited until finishing all of the books thus far offered until presenting a review. Sometimes the quality diminishes. Not so, in this case, however!

The story lines and flow of each book is as well done as any lifelong professional writer could have done. I was astounded to find that Derek Fee is an independent, self-published author. (Derek, you are doing well on your own; remain independent, though some publishing company would do well to snatch you up for their sake. A good copyreader would help.)

An avid reader of crime procedurals for years, I have been so impressed with his easy flow of events, creative and delicately interwoven plots and intersecting cases.”

for 'Dead Rat'

“Derek Fee does it again with this wrap up of the intricate saga of corruption and criminality in Northern Ireland. from the lowest rats to the biggest most influential rats, all seems to be tied up....however enough questions have been raised to leave room for another installment??? Love Wilson and his crew- characters are so well drawn and full of everything that makes us all human. I sure hope this series goes on forever- it’s one of the great ones! And if you are new to the series, please don’t start with this one, unless you like unraveling backwards! Start and the beginning and read every one and enjoy!!!”

Ms Puck
for 'Mortal Blow'

“I thoroughly enjoyed the first book in this series, and now this one was even better. I literally couldn't put the put it down until I'd finished it. A fabulous story and the characters were so well drawn they came alive. I am looking forward to reading more books starring Fiona, Tracy, Aisling, and the rest of the coppers of An Garda Síochána in Connemara.”

Robert G
for 'Murder in Clifden'

“It’s 02.18 and I’ve been unable to sleep until I finished reading this book.Great characters, fabulous plot, spellbinding, gripping, well worth the lack of sleep.I’m a fan of Derek Fee’s Wilson series.This book is so different and I hope there is more to come from the characters.”

for 'The Monsignor's Son'

“This is a very good read. Having a degree in Middle East studies, I was prepared to be critical and prepared for an author who didn't know much about Saudi Arabia. While I had some minor problems with some Arab customs, the book was so well plotted, so full of completely thought out characters, I found myself going along for the ride. I'd recommend this book to anyone looking for a good plot and very good writing. By the way, I've read dozens of Kindle books, and this is only the second review I've bothered to leave.”

for 'Saudi Takedown'

“Et nulla sagittis sed integer morbi mattis vestibulum vestibulum malesuada. Feugiat dolor ac convallis consequat. Urna lectus duis sit cras id massa.”

Ted Bun
for 'The Poteenmaker's Murder'

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